
Pedagogy Resources
  • Online Learning Consortium Workshops, Discover hundreds of workshops and advanced programs including our Mastery Series and Certificate programs.  Email Justine Black, Director of Digital Learning to signup for a workshop free of charge to your department. 
  • Adobe Education Exchange, free learning platform and community, designed by educators for educators, to ignite creativity in the classroom
  • LinkedIn Learning, an online educational platform that helps you discover and develop business, technology-related, and creative skills through expert-led course videos. Use your Juniata credentials to log-in.
  • Educause Library, preeminent clearing house for information about timely topics and research supporting the use and management of technology in higher education. It aggregates over 21,000 resources.
  • UDL In Action in Online Courses, Tianhong Shi, instructional designer with Oregon State Extended Campus, joins WCET Frontiers today to tell us about her journey learning about UDL, applying the concepts in a variety of learning settings, and expanding the design across the OSU campus. (O, P)

OER's, be sure the check with the library for a variety of other resources (

Online Tools

Video Tools

  • Zoom Video Conferencing, meeting - video webinars - conference rooms - zoom phone - instant message - file share.  Email Justine Black, Director of Digital Learning to set up an account. 
  • Bongo Learn, help learners find the beat with video assessment. With its proprietary video technology and powerful feedback capabilities, Bongo enables the mastery of communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. Available through Moodle

Office Suite

  • Microsoft O365, our place to create, communicate, collaborate, and get great work done. Log-in with your Juniata credentials.

Textbook/LMS Integration

Study Tools

Bookmark Managers

  • Diigo, Turn your students onto this tool, which works like a bookmark manager with a highlighter or with sticky notes. This is an ideal way to research for a paper or to create a new project for class. 

Diagrams and Chart

Physical Resources



Student-Centered Approach:


Guide for Evaluating OER's and Online Tools


IT Governance - IT Governance is intended to facilitate collaboration among campus divisions in the prioritization, funding, design and use of innovative, reliable, and robust information technology to ensure cost effective support of Juniata’s mission and strategic priorities.  When you are considering onboarding a new tool that may be use collaboratively across campus or have a need for CTS Services, please submit an IT Governance proposal.  

Campus Technology Services Security Analysis – When onboarding a new technology tool, the vendors Terms of Use and Data Security Policy must be sent to Campus Technology Services for review prior to using.  This analysis will also look at GRPD standards. 

Accessibility - Tools must tool the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).  For additional information please reach out to the Student Accessibility Services and Office for Digital Learning. 

User friendly, Learner-Centered Approach – aimed at developing learner autonomy and independence by putting responsibility for the learning path in the hands of students by imparting them with skills and basis on how to learn a specific subject and schemata required to measure up to the specific performance requirement. 

Company Background/Cost – How long has the company been in business?  Have they won any awards? Does the software come with a price or is it free?  



Creator Knowledgeable/Authenticity/Bias - author is a credible source that looks at the content through a non-bias lens to allow students to develop their own beliefs and views. 

Relevance Longevity - Content is up-to-date, but not in a way that will quickly make the text obsolete within a short period of time. The text is written and/or arranged in a way that necessary updated will be relatively easy and straightforward. 

Cultural Relevance – The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way.  It should make use of examples that are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. 

Modularity – ability for text to be remixed and edited to fit the specific needs of your course.  

Peer-Reviewed – in your attempts of locating OER’s to best support your instructional models, it may be helpful to first look at peer-reviewed resources. 


Online tool review – additional items for further consideration: 

  • Scale 
  • Ease of Use 
  • Tech Support 
  • Accessibility 
  • User-focused participation 
  • Required Equipment 
  • Cost of Use 
  • LMS Integration 
  • OS 
  • Browser 
  • Additional Downloads 
  • Access 
  • Functionality 
  • Offline Access 
  • SignUp/SignIn 
  • Archiving 
  • Collaboration 
  • Use Accountability 
  • Diffusion 
  • Facilitation 
  • Customization 
  • Learning Analytics 
  • Enhancement of Cognitive Tasks 
  • Higher Order Thinking 
  • Metacognitive Engagement 
  • Awards 


OER’s - additional items for further consideration: 

  • Comprehensiveness 
  • Content accuracy 
  • Clarity 
  • Consistency 
  • Modularity 
  • Organization/Flow 
  • Interface 
  • Quality Control 
  • Cultural Relevance 
  • Alignment to Course objectives 
  • Utility for Instruction 
  • Quality of Assessment 
  • Creator Knowledgeable 
  • Creator Authenticity 
  • Creator Bias 
  • Organization Affiliation 
  • Peer Reviewed 
  • License Status 
  • Accessibility 
  • Remix and Edit 
  • Editorial Aspects