People Banner


Juniata became what she is today because of the people who invested in her: students, faculty, staff, benefactors, administration, and presidents, and the founders of the college. This category contains articles on the people who made a difference at or because of, Juniata College.



Juniata College would not run as smoothly as it does without the people behind the curtains, the administrators and the staff. This category includes, but is not limited to: Chief Financial Officers, Coaches, and Student Deans.


Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees members have the highest responsibility: to be the caretakers of Juniata College. This category contains articles of Board of Trustee members and Trustee Chairs.



Juniata College did not gain its beloved reputation without its faculty, our teaching staff. Descriptions about Emeriti Faculty can be found here.


 James Lee Gooch

Ken Rockwell

Robert P. Zimmerer


The Founders

The success of Juniata College began with the foundation laid by the Founders, the Brumbaugh family, and Jacob Zuck.

 Jacob Martin Zuck

Andrew Boelus Brumbaugh

Henry Boyer Brumbaugh




Juniata's college president interacts with students, staff, administrators, and the community. He is even busier than Juniata's students and must be a mediator between the problems that arise on campus and those who seek a solution. This category honors those who have lead Juniata College through her best years and brightest years. 


Charles Calvert Ellis

James Quinter