Professional Organizations

Visit the following websites for information on membership and upcoming conferences.

AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science
ACS American Chemical Society
NABT National Association of Biology Teachers
NSTA National Science Teachers Association
PSTA Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association


Air and Water Chemistry for Kids Basic chemistry information, experiments, and games for kids (and adults).
The Catalyst This site was designed to specifically aid high school teachers. It also contains some good graphics.
Chemistry Behind Cleaning This site contains excellent information on the chemistry of cleaning.
EdD in Science Education

A comprehensive list of every EdD in Science, STEM, and related fields.

Details of what to expect from EdD coursework, admissions,

dissertations and more.

Career and professional development opportunities, plus salary information.

Edible/Inedible Science Archive Anyone hungry? Find some edible experiments on the site.
Human Genome Project This site has useful information on the Human Genome Project.
National Center for Biotechnology Information Visit this site to use the Blast (Best Local Alignment Search Tool) search that takes a particular protein or DNA sequence and then locates the most similar sequences in the entire database.
Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab This site has free science experiments for all!
Science Experiments with Water Easy-to-do-at-home experiments involving water.
Science Explorer Here's another site of at-home science experiments.
The Chemistry of Water This colorful site has information on everything you could possibly want to know about water!


Science in Motion (SIM) uses the following vendors-you may find them referenced on our labs.

Bio-Rad Presque Isle
Carolina Sargent Welch
Cynmar Science Kits and Boreal
Edvotek Vernier
Fisher Scientific VWR
Flinn Wards