Science in Motion (SIM) supports schools in other ways when possible.  We have policies on the following types of support: equipment and financial support for Science Fairs, equipment support for Summer School Programs, and Teacher Support for Conferences.  To request these types of support, please contact

Science Fair

The Science In Motion(SIM) Program at Juniata College is pleased to support science fairs in area schools through the lending of equipment and provision of laboratory supplies. In order to assure that our resources are fairly distributed, equipment may be borrowed for a period of one week, according to our standard drop-off policy. Use of a longer duration will depend on the availability of equipment.

To apply for science fair support, please submit an email request to the Science In Motion office at or any of the outreach coordinators as early as possible. We ask that you include specific details regarding equipment loans and laboratory supplies.

Summer School Programs

There have been requests from science teachers for support of summer programs. If possible, we will accommodate these requests according to the following guidelines.

1. All requests go to the respective outreach coordinators (traveling teachers):

Biology - James Myers  814-641-3544
Chemistry - Rick Imler  814-641-3543
Middle School - Kelsi Newman 814-641-3562 

2. We will support educational programs that are sponsored by school districts or other educational units recognized by the Department of Education; e.g. Intermediate Units.

3. Requests for support will be honored when staff and resources are available. Summer is when workshops are conducted and equipment is inventoried, checked, and repaired. It is also the time when staff members take vacations. For these reasons, program resources are limited. Therefore, requests that make reasonable demands on staff and are submitted in advance have a greater likelihood of being filled.

Due to a lack of funding, we regret that we are currently unable to offer teacher support for conferences.

The purpose of conference support is twofold: to provide professional development for teachers and to improve the programs offered by Science In Motion(SIM).

A limited amount of money is available to support teachers’ attendance at conferences having to do with teaching science, such as PSTA, NAST, AAAS, and ChemEd. This money will be available as a stipend to reimburse expenses incurred. The money will be distributed upon receipt of expenses and a brief narrative report describing activities and any pertinent benefits to the Science In Motion Program.

Consideration will be given to teachers attending meetings that promise to provide something that will be of use to teachers in Science in Motion. One conference per year will be allowed per teacher. If more applications are received than funding allows, priority will be given to the teacher who has gone longest without support for attending a conference.