If you are interested in becoming a tutor, you should take EN 145 – Peer Tutoring during the spring semester. Peer Tutoring is a one-credit class that meets Wednesdays at noon.

Peer Tutoring covers a host of issues involved in tutoring across the curriculum. The class explores topics like: analyzing writing, reading body language cues, learning tutoring strategies, and refining audience-appropriate communication.

To be an effective tutor, students must be able to interview a writer, read their material, and then provide on-the-spot analysis tailored to that writer’s needs. Through Peer Tutoring, potential tutors learn methodology and assessment tools that help them function individually and as a team.

Towards the end of the semester, the Director and members of the Writing Center staff will interview students who are interested in becoming a tutor. Positions are offered based on the number of graduating seniors and programming needs. Many people take Peer Tutoring for the learning experience so not all students are interested in becoming Writing Center tutors.

Writing Center tutors represent many different Programs of Emphasis. We currently have five tutors in the science fields, five in political science, two English POES, and five in varying humanities fields. We welcome and value applicants from across the curriculum. International students have always been part of our tutoring staff and are encouraged to enroll in Peer Tutoring.