Before scheduling Science in Motion (SIM) at your school, please review the Guidelines for Deliveries and Guidlines for Visits. These guidelines are designed to familiarize you with SIM policies and procedures to make the program easier for you to use.

Guidelines for Deliveries

Deliveries (drop-offs) must be scheduled at least one week in advance by contacting the appropriate outlook coordinators (traveling teacher.)

Biology - James Myers 814-641-3544
Chemistry - Rick Imler  814-641-3543
Middle School - Kelsi Newman  814-641-3562

See the following schedule for the delivery and pick up day for your school district.





Belleville Mennonite

Calvary CA


Northern Bedford

Forbes Road




Mifflin County


Juniata Valley

 Spring Cove MS

Mount Union




Southern Huntingdon

Bishop Guilfoyle



The lab will be delivered one week and picked up the next.

Please have the lab packed and the paperwork ready for pick-up on the morning it is to be returned.  The Equipment Courier, Rae Ann Allison, may arrive to deliver and/or pick up materials at any time during the day. (Paperwork includes a Drop-off/Pick-up form and a Quality Control sheet.)

If you will not be finished with the lab when it is scheduled to be picked up, please contact the mobile educator ahead of time to ask for an extension.  Extensions will be granted if no one else has requested the material.  Please note that the Equipment Courier cannot grant extensions.

Some specialized equipment will not be sent without a mobile educator unless the requesting teacher has had training on the equipment at a workshop.  (ex. AFM, Digital Microscopes, Starlab)

Science in Motion (SIM) may deny requests for toxic or dangerous chemicals.

Delivery of some chemicals may be granted only to chemists or teachers who have been trained at a summer workshop.  (i.e. liquid nitrogen, gas tanks)

Guidelines for Visits

Teachers are expected to remain in the classroom to assist the outreach coordinator (traveling teacher.)

The outreach coordinators may only schedule one visit per teacher to ensure that all teachers have equal access. An additional visit can be scheduled once the initial visit has been made.

Outreach Coordinators' schedules fill up quickly.  Please request each visit as early as possible by contacting the appropriate mobile educator.